Alexey Vasilenko

Alexey Vasilenko

Postdoctoral Fellow

Owen Graduate School of Management, Vanderbilt University


I am a Postdoctoral Fellow at Vanderbilt University’s Owen Graduate School of Management. My research interests are in household finance, education finance, labor and finance, the economics of education, and empirical asset pricing.

Download my CV.

  • Household Finance
  • Education Finance
  • Labor and Finance
  • Economics of Education
  • Empirical Asset Pricing
  • PhD in Finance, November 2023

    Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto

  • M.A., Economics and Finance with Distinction, 2016

    University of Luxembourg and Higher School of Economics (double degree program)

  • B.A., Economics, 2014

    Higher School of Economics

Working Papers

Teaching Experience

Instructor for the undergraduate course “Financial Management”
TA for the undergraduate course “Capital Market Theory”
Instructor for the undergraduate course “Microeconomics”
Instructor for the undergraduate course “Economic Thinking”
